• BIOSTAT 100A (201A). Introduction to Biostatistics. Introduction to methods and concepts of statistical analysis. Sampling situations, with special attention to those occurring in biological sciences. Topics include distributions, tests of hypotheses, estimation, types of error, significance and confidence levels, sample size.

  • EPI 100 (201). Principles of Epidemiology. Introductory course to provide qualified undergraduate students with broad and comprehensive overview of concepts of epidemiology including evaluating public health problems in terms of magnitude, person, time and place; critiquing epidemiologic studies; identifying and accessing key sources of data for epidemiologic assessment; using epidemiologic methods and calculating basic epidemiology measures for operational purposes; and communicating basic principles of epidemiology such as definitions of populations, sources of bias, causation for morbidity and mortality, risk and protective factors, and basics of study design.

  • EHS 100 (201A). Introduction to Environmental Health. Introduction to environmental health, including coverage of sanitary principles and chronic and acute health effects of environmental contaminants.

  • HPM 100 (201A). Health Care Systems and Health Policy. Structure and function of U.S. health care system, health care policy, and issues and forces shaping its future.


  • CHS 210 (200A). Community Health Sciences. Basic concepts, relationships, and policy issues in field of community health, variability in definitions of health and illness, correlates of health and illness behavior, impact of social and community structure on health status, major contemporary approaches to health promotion and health education at community level. Use of comparative international perspective.

  • CHS 211A/211B (200B/200C). Program Planning, Research and Evaluation in Community Health Sciences (2 course sequence). Development, planning, and administration of public health programs in community settings. Introduction to range of research methods and techniques used in designing and conducting health research, with particular emphasis on evaluation of community-based public health programs. Course organized into three modules.

  • CHS 400. Master's Project Research or Field Studies in Public Health. Field observation and studies in selected community organizations for health promotion or medical care.


  • CHS 212. Advanced Social Research Methods in Health. Problems of health survey design and data collection; measurement issues in data analysis and interpretation; use of computer for analysis of large-scale survey data using various statistical techniques. Letter grading.

  • CHS M216A. Qualitative Research: Design and Data Collection. Intensive seminar/field course in qualitative research methodology. Emphasis on using qualitative methods and techniques in research and evaluation related to health care.

  • CHS 281B. Capstone Seminar: Health Promotion & Education. Current problems and findings in health promotion and education (e.g., nutrition, family health, AIDS/HIV, minority health); learning from presentations and critical discussions of master's project reports completed under faculty supervision.

  • CHS 282. Social Marketing for Health Promotion and Communication. Planning, creating, implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive health communication campaigns, including use of social marketing practices and strategies of audience research, marketing psychology, creative message development, branding, comprehensive media use for dissemination, transmedia.

  • CHS 292. Information Technology for Health Promotion and Communication. Health literacy, Internet use and health communication, design of health communication materials using digital media that integrates practice and theory and includes websites, print materials, short videos, curricula, and training materials. Laboratory sessions for materials production.

  • CHS 482. Practicum: Community Health Sciences (Master’s Project). Understanding of professional practice in health-related organizations.

  • CHS 487. Community Organization for Health. Theory and practice of community organizations, including models and strategies of community organization and their application to health problems and health policy. Particular attention to use of community organization for health promotion and to change public policy.